The IMSSC started new chapter after the 47th IMSSC Session Meeting held in Amsterdam on May 4 and 5, 2024. After 12 years of service as president of IMSSC, Tjeerd Smies from The Netherlands stepped down at this meeting. A new president, Kenji Takai from Japan was elected to take over president role. Kenji Takai has been supporting Tjeerd Smies as one of two Vice Presidents for 12 years. Now Kenji Takai leads the new IMSSC into the future and establishing strong relationship with the ISU and national governing bodies worldwide. Two new posts were also created. Vice president for Long Track and Vice President for Short Track. Andrew Love from the USA and Frank Anderson from Australia were voted into the respective roles as Vice Presidents and along with Kenji Takai have specific roles to focus on development in both LT & ST. This gives the IMSSC a totally global management organization. New positions on the board were discussed and will be formally announced after the next sessions, which will take place in Frankfurt, May 2025.
By Kenji Takai

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