Q: What is the International Masters Speed Skating Committee (IMSSC)?
A: Founded in 1994, the objectives of the International Masters’ Speed Skating Committee (IMSSC), are to promote, encourage development of, exchange friendship over the world, and standardize Masters’ Speed Skating in all possible manifestations throughout the world.
See IMSSC’s History, as well as its Constitution and Regulations for more information.
Q: What annual events does the IMSSC promote?
A: Long Track: Masters Sprint Games and Masters All Around Games. Short Track: Masters International Short Track Games.
Check our events calendar.
Q: At what age can a skater begin participating in IMSSC Masters events?
A: Age 30 is the earliest. There is no maximum age! See IMSSC Constitution and Regulations (C&R) for specifics on how age is determined
Q: What are the requirements to participate in an IMSSC event?
A: there is a qualifying time required for all IMSSC events; times are gender and age group specific. There are some exceptions: please see IMSSC C&R for more details.
Q: Are there membership fees or dues required to be an IMSSC member?
A: No! However, National Skate Federation/Association ID is required in order to participate in any of IMSSC events.
Q: Do Masters get tested for performance enhancing drug use?
A: participants in IMSSC promoted events are subject to ISU testing policies. There is an exception process for skaters who are prescribed drugs that are on the banned list. Please see IMSSC C&R and Antidoping page for more details.
Q: Who is my IMSSC Country representative and how do I contact them?
A: email our Secretary; provide your nationality and your Country representative will contact you ASAP.
Q: What if my question is not answered here?
A: email our Secretary
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