No less than four IMSSC world records were broken on Sunday, December 22 during the second Dutch Masters Cup of this season. Thea Kroontje skated two in the L80 and Kees Verdouw (M80) and Gerdien Verweij (L60) also set a new masters world record.
Thea Kroontje strengthens her leading position
Although Thea Kroontje (L80) set two world records, namely 56.65 in the 500m and 6.00.91 in the 3km, the 3K record gave her the points for the DMC classification. Because with the 3K record, she improved the current record 8:28.83 in the name of Russian Galina Ulyanycheva (Kolomna, March 2024), by almost 2.5 minutes! This improvement of 140.99% gave her a total number of points of 175. With the 175 of DMC-I, Thea is far ahead in the intermediate ranking with 350 points.
Also Gerdien Verweij performed very well. She improved the world record at the L60 from 45.52 (skated in Kolomna in 2020 by the Russian Tatyana Epaneshnikova) to a new record of 45.43! This improvement of 100.20% gave her a total of 155 points and the second place in this DMC-II. Despite the fact that she was not present at DMC-I, this number of points puts her on the second place in the intermediate rankings.
Mijke Anne Kanneworff (L40) skated 41.76 on the 500 m, not much behind the world record of 41.26 that is held by Anke Jannie Landman since 2015. With this result Mijke set 98.80% of the record, she took 70 points with the 3rd place and is with 140 points on the third place in the intermediate ranking.
Anke Jannie Landman gained 60 points by approaching of 97.98% in the L50 age group. With 140 points she is on third place of the intermediate ranking, sharing this position with Mijke.
Lettie Zwanenburg (L65) reached the fifth place (50 points) and with her fourth place at DMC-I (60 points) she also is on the fifth place in the intermediate ranking.
Kees Verdouw in the race to win DMC 2024-2025
And also in the men’s race, 80-year-old Kees Verdouw is going to win this season’s cup. Kees plan was to attack the world record of Arne Kjell Foldvik, which is 5:31.52 since 2015 (skated in Calgary). In he first part of the race he skated below the world record, but in the last laps he had a challenge. Eventually Kees just broke the record with his time of 5:31.33. With 100.06% of the existing world record, he was the day winner with 175 points!
After winning DMC-I with 100 points, Kees is heading for the final victory with 275 points!
Pieter-Jorn Gemsers goal was attacking the world record on the 5km at the M45. However, Arjan Elferink’s 7:01.42 turned out to be just too much. Nevertheless, he reached 99.22% of the world record with 7:04.72, which gave him the 2nd place and 80 points. A great achievement when you consider that Pieter-Jorn had two marathons in his legs the day before: the NK Marathon Masters (where he finished 3rd) as well as 89 laps (42nd) in the U23 category. With the 3rd place and 70 points from DMC-I, Pieter-Jorn earned 150 points and the second place in the intermediate ranking.
New in the highest ranking of the Dutch Masters Cup is Tim Broere. He skated the 500m time in 37.90 and approached his own world record at 97.73% in the M35 category. He skated this record in March 2024 during the international Thialf Record Races. He is now on the third place with 70 points. Because Tim was not present at DMC-I, Tim is on the fifth place in the intermediate ranking.
With his 500m time of 38.96, Bart Seffinga approached the world record in the M40 at 96.59%, good for a fourth place and 60 points in ranking of DMC-11. This gives Bart, together with his 2nd place and 80 points of DMC-I, 140 points and so a second place in the intermediate ranking.
Just like at DMC-I, Ab Nederlof achieved the 5th place. Ab had the intention to attack his own 5 km world record time. This record of 8:00.03 is on a very high level at the TRR last year. With 8:20.85 Ab approached his own record with 95.84%. Twice fifth and so twice 50 points, gives him 100 points and the third place in the intermediate ranking.
Frank Steenkamp follows with a fourth place in DMC-I and with a ninth place (92 points) at DMC-II in fourth place overall.
Two more national records
Just like at DMC-I, Slovenian Klas Berlič Fras managed to set two PRs and so national records for Slovenia. He set the records both at the 500m and the 1,000m.
Finale Dutch Master Cup 2024-2025
With 119 masters at the start, with 160 SBs and even 25 PRs, it was again a festive evening. Many happy skaters on the ice because of the times and off the ice because of the fun all around. All with the same promise: “this tastes like more”.
The final of the Dutch Masters Cup 2024-2025 will take place on Saturday, January 4, 2025 in the Elstedenhal, Leeuwarden.
Results and rankings

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