The 25th Masters Allround Games were held on 4th until 6th March 2016 in the 11Stedenhal speedskating hall in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands. More than 200 participants from 16 countries were competing during three days. On Thursday March 3rd the event was opened by the deputy mayor of Leeuwarden and a “back stage view” on the 11Stedentocht by the president of the 11Stedenvereniging and a kind of simulation of the 11Stedentocht with snacks and drinks in the Community Hall of Leeuwarden.
On Saturday and Sunday the band “Dikd’rNeffe” encouraged the speed skaters to compete with pleasure and fun. On Sunday a spectacular victory ceremony, with a group of Schoonrijders and Dikd’rNeffe, finalized this nice and very successful event.
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