
Winter WMG biennially held from 2028

IMGA has decided to run WMG, both Winter and Summer every two years from 2025 in summer and 2028 in winter. The followings are already confirmed.

2025 Taiwan (Taipei)/Summer WMG

2027 Kansai (Japan)/Summer WMG

2028 Lahti (Finland)/Winter WMG

It was their decision during Pan-Am Masters in Cleveland in July and it was because of higher recognition of our Masters sports and high demand of organizers.   Lillehammer (NOR) was a top candidate for 2028 until the last minutes proposal from Lahti (FIN) came in.  The WMG 2028 was awarded to Lahti but Lillehammer is considering to return to the table for 2030 while Sapporo is also considering to challenge.